Fixing the "exceeds GitHub's file size limit" error

This is easily done, you've zipped up your site to upload to a server and pushed to GitHub, you then get an error message like this:

remote: error: File is 214.15 MB; this exceeds GitHub's file size limit of 100.00 MB


 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)

error: failed to push some refs to ...

This helpful page from github has a solution. The steps are also below:

What if we could look at the sun with x-ray vision (contact x-ray plates on the Vulcan Target Area West vacuum chamber, 36 separate shots)

What if we could look at the sun with x-ray vision (contact x-ray plates on the Vulcan Target Area West vacuum chamber, 36 separate shots) is a collaborative artwork created with scientists at the Central Laser Facility in Oxfordshire, England. I was invited to be part of their experiment as an artist as well as an active scientific participant, their aim was to demonstrate the effectiveness of laser technology to see through layers of material using x-rays and neutron beams.